Same Degree as On Campus. Same Faculty. Low SUNY Tuition. Start Your Search.
Arts & Humanities -
Behavioral Science -
Business Climate & Sustainability -
Computer Science -
Criminal Justice & Law Education General Studies Health Sciences IT & Technology Journalism & Communications Liberal Arts -
Public Administration & Community Service Science & Technology Social Sciences Travel & Tourism
Are you a working adult with kids or a tight schedule?
If so, online learning is perfect for you
Take classes on your schedule
We know you're busy and that's why many of our classes can be taken whenever and wherever you are. There is no need to change your work schedule to attend most courses.
Learn from on-campus faculty
The faculty teaching online courses at SUNY Online schools are the exact same award winning professors that teach classes to our on-campus students.
Credit for Prior Knowledge
Many of our degrees offer credit based on your existing knowledge because we believe you should get credit for experience that you have already gained at school or in the workforce.

Knowing that I have someone in my corner who gets back to me as soon as possible, has really helped me deal with the difficulties surrounding not only being in college but pursuing my degree online.
- Alexis Iglesias-Ortiz, Business Administration, SUNY Oswego, 2020

I love that I signed up with SUNY Online! The success coaches really help you so much before the college application process, and after you get accepted.
- Lila Ijaz, MBA, SUNY Oswego, 2021